An image of a roadway in Indiana

INDOT Public Involvement Survey

Your feedback helps shape the future of transportation in Indiana.

About This Survey

Share your priorities for future transportation plans and projects and comment on a map to tell us about transportation in your neighborhood or on your commute. The feedback you provide will inform upcoming plans, such as the Statewide Corridor Planning Study and the Long-Range Transportation Plan update, as well as help INDOT plan future projects and be aware of potential safety improvements and maintenance needs.

While taking the survey, please keep in mind that INDOT is responsible for building & maintaining State Routes, US Highways and Interstates, and accompanying multimodal infrastructure. On the other hand, local streets are maintained by cities, towns and counties.

Take the survey now

Planning and Public Involvement

Transportation planning at INDOT feeds the Project Development Process.  Through a multi-disciplinary approach, the planning team works to assess existing & future conditions, develop goals and objectives, achieve early and continuous public and stakeholder involvement, and ensure safe transportation for users.

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